South Korean Veterans of the Vietnam War Affected by Agent Orange
Rally for Justice Today at the United Nations!Today, August 24, 2006, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm at the Isaiah Wall, 43rd Street and 1st Avenue (United Nations Plaza) a 32 person delegation of South Korean war veterans who are victims of Agent Orange will meet with American Vietnam veterans.
Organized by the Korean Disabled Veteran’s Association for Agent Orange, their vigil, (which will continue on Friday, from 9:00 to 4:00 PM) is intended to bring public attention to the suffering of troops who fought alongside U.S. soldiers.
The South Korean veterans, several of whom are wheelchair bound, suffer from illness and disability due to their exposure to Dioxin when they fought under the U.S. command during the Vietnam War. They are seeking compensation for their injuries from the U.S. government and chemical companies. They are also seeking action from the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
South Korean veterans have sued the U.S. manufacturers of Agent Orange and have won a judgment against the companies in Korean courts, but the companies are now appealing.
More than 30 years after the end of the U.S. war, American veterans are supporting compensation for their Korean counterparts. U.S. veterans received partial compensation for their injuries from the chemical companies and the U.S. government but Korean and Vietnamese veterans received not one penny from the U.S. government which sprayed them with Agent Orange.
The delegation of South Korean Agent Orange affected veterans will be taking their vigil and their photo display of showing the affects of Agent Orange, to the White House in Washington D.C. next week.
Support Korean Agent Orange Victims!
- More than 30 years after the end of the War in Vietnam, the war continues.
- 170,000 Korean veterans who fought under U.S. command suffer the effects of Agent Orange
- A South Korean court has ordered the U.S. chemical manufacturers to compensate the victims for their injuries, but the companies are appealing the decision.
- The U.S. government has refused to pay even a dime to alleviate the suffering of their former South Korean allies
- 32 Agent Orange affected Vietnam veterans from South Korea are here seeking justice.
Come Join Korean veterans in demanding:
Justice and compensation for Korea’s Agent Orange veterans from the U.S. government and chemical manufacturers!
Action from the United Nations Commission on Human Rights to act on behalf of these victims!
Thursday, August 24, 2006 2:00 – 5:00 PM
Isaiah Wall, 43rd Street and 1st Avenue (United Nations Plaza)
Sponsored by the Korean Disabled Veteran’s Association for Agent Orange
Event photos: Merle Ratner