- Three million Vietnamese and tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers and many Vietnamese Americans affected by Agent Orange used by the U.S. during the war
- Agent Orange causes birth defects in hundreds of thousands of children
- Agent Orange continues to poison the natural environment of Vietnam
About the Tour…
See pictures of the DC Plymouth Congregational Church, Nov 27 2005 11:00 AM.
Can you please do any of the following:
Send the text below, “Publicize” to any lists or individuals in the DC area.
Check the web site below and print out leaflets to give out.
Organize a community meeting on Saturday or Sunday.
Host the group (4 Vietnamese and the national coordinator) for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Saturday and Sunday are needed.
Provide housing for the 5 in DC any of the nights 25th through 28th.
Make a contribution to the cost of travel, food, etc. Send me a check for local costs or make a tax free donation on the National web page.
Contact Walter Teague 301-439-6755
As part of the national Vietnam Agent Orange Campaign, they will meet with U.S. Veterans of War in Vietnam and others.
DC Campaign – November 25-28, 2005
Pictures by Walter Teague.
Friday, 11/25/2005 – Dinner with local Vietnamese
Saturday, 11/26/2005 – Brunch with peace activists in VA
Saturday, 11/26/2005 – Dinner privately hosted in DC
Sunday, 11/27/2005 11:00 AM – Join with Plymouth Congressional Church, DC. See pictures.
Sunday, 11/27/2005 07:00 PM – Dinner hosted by veterans in DC
Monday, 11/28/2005 – 10:00 AM – Vietnamese Guests and Veterans at “The Wall” at Bacon Drive & Constitution Ave.
Monday, 11/28/2005 – 12:00 Noon – Luncheon at GT Univ. Intercultural Center, 7th Fl., 37th and O Streets, NW, RSVP with Catherin Dalpino (202) 687 6606.
Monday, 11/28/2005 – 7:00 PM -Public Event – Washington Peace Center, 1426 9th St., NW
Other events TBO or contact us below.
Community Events: Saturday and Sunday (Contact us if you have an event the Vietnamese can attend.)
For more information and leaflets, go to:
DC Tour Contact: Walter Teague, LICSW –
Email or call for updates, background information and leaflets.
Phone 301-439-6755 – Fax 301-439-2436
Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign
Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange Will Meet with U.S. Veterans of War in Vietnam and others.
Veterans Vow to Fight for Justice for Vietnam’s Agent Orange Survivors!
From November 15 – December 12, 2005 a delegation of Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange will be in the U.S. to meet, for the first time, with U.S. veterans also suffering from the wounds they sustained in the war in Vietnam. They will visit New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Raleigh, Chicago, Milwaukee, Santa Fe, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco.
More than 30 years after the end of the U.S. war that killed more than 58,000 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese, U.S. veterans are demanding compensation for their Vietnamese counterparts. U.S. veterans received partial compensation for their injuries from the chemical companies and the U.S. government but Vietnamese veterans received not one penny from the U.S. government which sprayed them to Agent Orange.
Three million Vietnamese and tens of thousand of U.S. soldiers are affected by Agent Orange
Agent Orange causes birth defects in hundreds of thousands of children.
Agent Orange continues to poison the natural environment, soil and crops of Vietnam.
The members of the delegation who will meet with U.S. veterans are:
Ðang Thi Hong Nhut who suffered multiple miscarriages due to Agent Orange
Ho Sy Hai who suffers from chronic hepatitis, ulcer, enterolitis, unstable blood pressure, and prostate cancer after being exposed to Agent Orange
Nguyen Muoi. the son of an ARVN veteran suffers from Spina Bifida as a result of his father’s exposure to dioxin. His visa was denied by the U.S. government.
Dr. Nguyen Trong Nhân, Former President of the Vietnam Red Cross, representing the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin.
Vietnamese and U.S. agent orange victims will share their personal experiences and their efforts to gain compensation for their and their children’s injuries. They will meet with Iraq veterans and others suffering from chemical weapons.
The sponsor, Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign, is supporting the lawsuit of Agent Orange victims against U.S. chemical manufacturers and will lobby the U.S. government to provide compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange survivors.
Tour is endorsed by Black Radical Congress, Veterans for Peace, United for Peace and Justice and local groups.