Vietnam is still grappling with the huge social and economic consequences of its military conflict with the U.S.
Agent Orange Day is August 10th. It marks the day in 1961 when the U.S. began aerial spraying of toxic herbicides over Vietnam.
Agent Orange Day 2022 Statement by Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations
Addressing pain caused by Agent Orange (AO) is not only charity, but gratitude and responsibility to the Vietnamese people.
Senator Patrick Leahy to Retire
Sen. Leahy-led projects have been key elements in helping to forge the strong new relationship between the United States and Vietnam.
S. Korean Vietnam War veterans still haunted by Agent Orange
The wheelchair-bound former army sergeant said he was so busy fighting communist Vietcong every day that he never imagined the defoliant would ruin his life later.
Collateral Damage
Mental health problems caused by war service afflict veterans’ families and children too (Australia)
Court rules U.S. firms pay Agent Orange victims
A Seoul court yesterday ruled that two American chemical manufacturers must pay reparations to Korean veterans.
Dow and Monsanto ordered to pay damages over Agent Orange in South Korea
A South Korean court has ordered two US firms who manufactured Agent Orange to compensate thousands of South Korean Vietnam War veterans and their families.
Agent Orange Victims Win Lawsuit
A Seoul court ruled U.S. manufacturers of the defoliant Agent Orange should pay compensation to Korean war vets.
Local woman forms nonprofit to aid affected children
By Kimberly Nicoletti, Aspen Times Weekly: The aftermath of Agent Orange
Harper woos with Agent Orange, highway promises
By CBC Stephen Harper attempted to boost his party's election chances with a whistle-stop tour through New Brunswick this week, promising compensation for victims of Agent Orange spraying and more...
More Initiatives to Support Vietnamese AO Victims, says Mme Binh
International friends have suggested more practical initiatives to support Vietnamese Agent Orange/dioxin victims.
Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange Coming to Portland, Oregon
Veterans for Peace Chapter 72 Education WithOut Borders KBOO 90.7FM PSU Multicultural Center Students for Unity will be hosting three Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange and their doctor Dr. Nguyen...
December 7th 2005 Agent Orange Tour to Portland
By Dan Shea We just finished an event for Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange more info on Veterans For Peace links and Education WithOut Borders website The event: Digital slide...
Panel posters by Ha Huy Chuong on Agent Orange
‘Repercussion of Agent Orange’ is the name of an exhibition of panel posters opened on December 16 in Hanoi.
And Their Children after Them
Four million Vietnamese still suffer after-effects of the U.S. military’s defoliant Agent Orange by Cydney Gillis, Real Change It’s been more than 30 years. But Ho Sy Hai is fighting to get a U.S....
Vietnam: Lessons of forgiveness and hope
Victims of Agent Orange Delegation visits Portland, Oregon.
Agent Orange discoverer tries to make amends
“Look at me — I was a botanist,” said Galston. “I inadvertently found something which, further developed, was used as an instrument of war.”
Agent Orange victims: ‘The war continues in the bodies of Vietnamese’
Vietnamese survivors of Agent Orange are still seeking justice, 30 years later.
Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims Tour, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Activities in Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 2005.