
Agent Orange Day is August 10th. It marks the day in 1961 when the U.S. began aerial spraying of toxic herbicides over Vietnam.

Agent Orange Day 2022 Statement by Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations

Addressing pain caused by Agent Orange (AO) is not only charity, but gratitude and responsibility to the Vietnamese people.

Senator Patrick Leahy to Retire

Sen. Leahy-led projects have been key elements in helping to forge the strong new relationship between the United States and Vietnam.

Agent Orange: Grim Legacy

Agent Orange: Grim Legacy

“The parents know the progression of the disease. The younger one will get worse, like his brother, ” Dr. Binh says.

Photography by Philip Jones Griffiths

Photography by Philip Jones Griffiths

Black and white photography of Vietnamese persons presumed to be suffering the effects of Agent Orange multiple generations after the U.S. ended the war.