Soldiers and Scientists Present:

Panel Presentation on the devastating effects on both soldiers and civilians of the Pentagon’s massive use of weaponry coated with Depleted Uranium (DU) in Iraq throughout the 1990s and today.

– Army National Guardsmen Spc. Gerard Matthew and Herbert Reed, both Iraq War Veterans found to have DU poisoning
– Dr. Glen Lawrence, professor of BioChemistry at LIE, DU Project
– Documentary Film: ‘Poison Dust’ by the People’s Video Network

WHEN: Thursday, November 10, 2005, 7:00 – 9:00 PM
PLACE: Riverdale-Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture

Disturbing Facts: 10,324 U.S. soldiers involved in Desert Storm (Gulf War I) have died! More than 1/3, or 221,502 Iraq War veterans are on Disability benefits. Now soldiers returning from the 2003 invasion of Iraq are confronting serious impaired immunity illnesses. The U.S. government denies any connection between their sickness and the toxic DU. Is this a hidden war against our soldiers and Iraqi civilians? Come to learn more about Depleted Uranium.

Society for Ethical Culture – Riverdale-Yonkers,
Bronx-Westchester NATION Discussion Group,
WESPAC Foundation and NoWar Westchester Coalition,
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