by Jamie Reno,

The chemical was used by the U.S. military while the Arizona senator served in Vietnam. It has been linked to the glioblastoma cancer suffered by many veterans.

When the news broke last week that Sen. John McCain has glioblastoma multiforme, a deadly brain cancer, the nation quickly rallied around the 80-year-old politician and Vietnam War veteran.

Joy Patterson was deeply saddened by the news. Her husband, Kenneth Patterson, also served in Vietnam and was also diagnosed with glioblastoma (GBM).

“I believe Senator McCain will not survive, sadly, just as our husbands who have gone before,” said Patterson, whose husband died of the disease in 1996.

She now works to help other widows of Vietnam War veterans get their disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The question on Patterson’s mind and the minds of so many of these war widows is:

Did Sen. McCain get glioblastoma from exposure to Agent Orange?

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