August 10 2014
53 seconds of silence / 53 seconds of action
August 10th 2014 is the 53th anniversary of the first time the U.S. government used Agent Orange in Vietnam. Millions of Vietnamese people have died. Millions continue to suffer from cancers and birth defects which affect three generations, including babies born every day. Around the world, veterans of the U.S. war in Vietnam also suffer from illnesses and their children, from birth defects.
Those responsible – the United States government and the chemical companies which made this deadly chemical weapon including Dow Chemical and Monsanto – have yet to compensate their victims or clean up the land they poisoned.
In the 8th month, on the 10th day at 12 noon join people across the globe in: 53 seconds of silence to reflect upon 53 years of spraying Agent Orange and 53 years of suffering of the victims in Vietnam and around the world from Agent Orange, as well as all victims of war 53 seconds of action to let your congressional representative know you want them to take action to help the victims:
- Sign and circulate the orange postcard to your congress member asking them to support HR 2519—the Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2013 (click here for a pdf copy), or
- Sign the postcard online,
- Donate to the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign.