I urge you to support H.R. 326 Dear Member of Congress: As your constituent, I am very concerned about the serious continuing danger to the health of those exposed to Agent Orange during the U.S. war in Vietnam. Agent Orange was sprayed over south Vietnam inflicting death, major illnesses and disabilities on more than 3 million Vietnamese and hundreds of thousands of U.S. veterans and Vietnamese Americans. They—and their children and grandchildren—suffer from cancers, immune deficiencies, reproductive illnesses and severe birth defects. People continue to be sickened by exposure to dioxin that remains in the soil in those areas of Vietnam heavily contaminated by the spraying and dumping of Agent Orange. Because I believe that our country has a responsibility to heal the wounds of war and because Vietnamese people, Vietnamese Americans, and the children of U.S. veterans and have yet to receive meaningful help from the U.S. government, I ask that you support the Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2019 – introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee – to:
Sincerely, |