VAORRC Recent Posts
U.S. Women Tour of Vietnam
A delegation of women from the United States travelled to Vietnam to meet with VAVA members in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City.
Reflections on the American War
By Ngô Thanh Nhàn, co-coordinator and founder of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign.
Agent Orange 3 min. video by the History Channel
Video short (3 min.) produced by the History Channel. Agent Orange was a chemical herbicide used during the Vietnam War that had a devastating impact long after the conflict ended.
The Vietnam War’s Agent Orange legacy
Reporter Ade Adepitan travelled to Vietnam to investigate the ongoing legacy of Agent Orange for Unreported World.
Did Agent Orange Cause John McCain’s Cancer?
Did Sen. McCain get glioblastoma from exposure to Agent Orange?
H.R. 334 – Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2017
To direct the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide assistance for...
Delegation to Vietnam
In August, 2016 members of an American delegation attended the International Scientific Conference to commemorate the 55th anniversary of Agent Orange Day.
2015 Agent Orange Justice Tour Report
Report by Susan Schnall on the recent U.S. tour by the leadership of the Vietnam Association for the Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA).
The 10th Agent Orange Justice Tour 2015
Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin (VAVA) delegation visited New York City and Washington DC.
U.S. Agent Orange/Dioxin Assistance to Vietnam
Congressional Research Service 7-5700, by Michael F Martin, Specialist in Asian Affairs
VAORRC Fact Sheet (2015): What is Agent Orange, how was it used, and what does it do?
Agent Orange is a chemical herbicidal weapon used by the U.S. government during the war in Vietnam.
Agent Orange/Dioxin Historic Timeline
Produced by “Vietnam: The Secret Agent” (the documentary).
Vietnam: The Secret Agent
Vietnam: The Secret Agent DVD of the award winning 1983 hour long documentary on the history of Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War. Updated 2015.
Agent Orange: Terrible Legacy of the Vietnam War
Now, 40 years after the end of the Vietnam War, we must support the Vietnamese people who continue to suffer some of the most horrific legacies of that war.
The Continuing Curse of Agent Orange
April 30 marks the 40th anniversary of the departure of the last U.S. personnel from Vietnam and the end of the long war.
Postcards to Congress (Archival)
Postcard to congress archive. “Dear Member of Congress, As your constituent…”
Agent Orange Day, Blog, Events
International Agent Orange Day 2014
53 seconds of silence / 53 seconds of action. August 10th 2014 is the 53th anniversary of the first time the U.S. government used Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Congresswoman Barbara Lee introduces Bill to Achieve Justice for Agent Orange Victims
HR 2114, introduced on the 40th anniversary of the end of the vietnam war, would provide health care and social services for affected Vietnamese.
Tod Ensign, Director of Citizen Soldier (1941-2014)
As an attorney, Tod Ensign has participated in a broad range of legal cases involving GIs and veterans, including Agent Orange.
The Dark Shadow of Agent Orange by the New York Times
Agent Orange’s Long Legacy, for Vietnam and Veterans.
Agent Orange and the Continuing Vietnam War
by Bill Fletcher, Jr.(NNPA), In a 2009 visit to Vietnam I asked a retired colonel in the Vietnam People’s Army about the...
Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 years on
The Struggle Continues By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Jeanne Mirer, Global Research Today marks the 52nd anniversary of the start of the chemical...
USAID Vietnam Danang Airport Remediation Report
USAID continued implementing the Environmental Remediation of Dioxin Contamination at Danang Airport Project launched in August 2012.