Veterans for Peace Chapter 72
- Education WithOut Borders
- KBOO 90.7FM
- PSU Multicultural Center
- Students for Unity
will be hosting three Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange and their doctor Dr. Nguyen Trong Nhân, Former President of the Vietnam Red Cross, representing the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin. Report back with pictures by Dan Shea, December 29, 2005.
The tour will address the medical, environmental, and legal issues associated with chemical warfare.
The overall goals of the tour include:
Educating our friends and neighbors about the suffering caused by Agent Orange in Vietnam and in other wars our government has waged. In each city the tour visits, we would like to develop a core of people willing to take on activities to support the goals of the Campaign
Building solidarity between U.S., Vietnamese American and Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange.
Achieving justice for Vietnamese Agent Orange victims by:
— Supporting their lawsuit against the chemical manufacturers
— Pressing the U.S. government to provide significant and meaningful compensation.
— Getting signatures on the international petition at
Supporting the work of the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin by raising funds.
It should also lead us to question our occupation in Iraq, and our use of depleted uranium and other forms of chemical weapons.
I am asking you to participate by printing your own flyers and distribute them in your own communities, announce the event at every opportunity you can, post it on your list serves and any community calendars you think relevant.
You can make a donation to Veterans For Peace Chapter72 and help us with travel and lodging costs, and printing for this event or future events.
November 2005 justice tour Press release
For Information Contact: Dan Shea
Vietnamese Victims of Agent Orange Meet U.S. Veterans of War in Vietnam
Veterans Vow to Fight for Justice for Vietnam’s Agent Orange Survivors!
On December 7th, 2005, at PSU Multicultural Center, a delegation of Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange will meet for the first time with U.S. veterans also suffering from the wounds they sustained in the war in Vietnam.
More than 30 years after the end of the U.S. war that killed more than 58,000 Americans and 3 million Vietnamese, U.S. veterans are demanding compensation for their Vietnamese counterparts. U.S. veterans received partial compensation for their injuries from the chemical companies and the U.S. government but Vietnamese veterans received not one penny from the U.S. government which sprayed them to Agent Orange.
Three million Vietnamese and tens of thousand of U.S. soldiers are affected by Agent Orange
Agent Orange causes birth defects in hundreds of thousands of children.
Agent Orange continues to poison the natural environment, soil and crops of Vietnam.
The members of the delegation who will meet with U.S. veterans are:
Đặng Thị Hồng Nhựt who suffered multiple miscarriages due to Agent Orange
Hồ Sỹ Hải who suffers from chronic hepatitis, ulcer, enterolitis, unstable blood pressure, and prostate cancer after being exposed to Agent Orange
Nguyễn Mười. the son of an ARVN veteran suffers from spina bifida as a result of his father’s exposure to dioxin. His visa was denied by the U.S. government.
Dr. Nguyễn Trọng Nhân, Former President of the Vietnam Red Cross, representing the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin.
Vietnamese and U.S. agent orange victims will share their personal experiences and their efforts to gain compensation for their and their children’s injuries. They will meet with Iraq veterans and others suffering from chemical weapons.
The visit of the Vietnamese Agent Orange victims is part of a national 10 city speaking tour.
The national sponsor, Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign, is supporting the lawsuit of Agent Orange victims against U.S. chemical manufacturers and will lobby the U.S. government to provide compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange survivors.
Local sponsors, Veterans for Peace Ch72, PSU’s Multicultural Center, KBOO 90.7FM Community Radio, Students For Unity.